Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Attack of the Gigantic Pomegranate

We bought the most enormous pomegranate I've every seen.  I think it was the size of my head (or alternatively, the size of a slice of Koronet pizza, which is also the size of my head).  Here is is before the slaughter, an untamed, wild, Biggie Sized Pomegranate:
After wrestling it to the ground whilst the roommate watched in horror, I was able to slice it into two more manageable, yet still gigantic, halves:

After this point we ate the pomegranate.  More accurately, the roommate took a few bites, after which I ate the largest pomegranate I've ever seen in my life almost entirely myself.  It constituted the entirety of my dinner that night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohmn nohm nohm!

Now all you need is some Pinkberry to go with it.

Yum, Koronet's. I miss it.